Migration Yatai from 0.x to 1.0.xΒΆ

Starting from version 1.0 of Yatai, components of Yatai are installed separately for more standard integration with the Kubernetes ecosystem. Components such as deployment, logging, and monitoring features are now addons that you must install separately, see the observability section. The new installation method allows you to choose which features of Yatai you would like, and have an easier time managing them as separate components.


Migrating data to Yatai 1.0 requires you to have Yatai version 0.46.

Breaking ChangesΒΆ

  • Split Yatai into two components for better modularization and separation of concerns.

  • Removed all Yatai component operators for more standard integration with the ecosystem.

    In v0.4.x, yatai component operators will automatically install dependencies of the component. But in v1.0.0, we removed this feature.

    Some things will changes:

    • No more integration of logging and monitoring

      Because we removed all yatai component operators, yatai now does not automatically integrate logging and monitoring. See the Observability documentation for observability configuration.

Down Time and Data BackupΒΆ

Your data and model files will not be affected if they are stored in a stable, external platform. If your storage is on the same cluster as Yatai, you must back up and recover the data manually. This document will walk you through on how to back up your data. Bento deployments will be completely unaffected and remain online.

  • Yatai System

    Yatai will be down during migration until you reinstall and recover the data.

  • Bento Deployment CRD

    The BentoDeployment CR will stay online.

Migration stepsΒΆ

1. Backup Your DataΒΆ

This step guides you on backing up your database and object storage data. If you stored your data in an external relational database and/or object storage, you do not have to backup PostgreSQL data and/or export object storage environment variables.


Back up PostgreSQL data with the following commands. This step must be skipped if you stored your data in an external relational database.

pkill kubectl
kubectl port-forward --namespace yatai-system svc/yatai-postgresql 5433:5432 &
sleep 6
PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl -n yatai-system get secret yatai-postgresql -o jsonpath='{.data.postgresql-password}' | base64 -d) pg_dump -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -F t yatai > /tmp/yatai.tar

2. Get Object Store Environment VariablesΒΆ


Get object storage environment variables with the following commands. This step can be skipped if you are using an external S3 bucket.

export S3_ENDPOINT=minio.yatai-components.svc.cluster.local
export S3_ACCESS_KEY=$(kubectl -n yatai-components get secret yatai-minio-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.accesskey}' | base64 -d)
export S3_SECRET_KEY=$(kubectl -n yatai-components get secret yatai-minio-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.secretkey}' | base64 -d)
export S3_SECURE=false
export S3_BUCKET_NAME=yatai
export S3_REGION=i-dont-known

3. Test Object Store ConnectionΒΆ

kubectl -n yatai-system delete pod s3-client 2> /dev/null || true; \
kubectl run s3-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' \
    --namespace yatai-system \
    --image quay.io/bentoml/s3-client:0.0.1 \
    --command -- sh -c "s3-client -e http://$S3_ENDPOINT listbuckets && echo successfully"

The output should be:

pod "s3-client" deleted

4. Uninstall Yatai and Yatai Component OperatorsΒΆ

helm uninstall yatai -n yatai-system
helm uninstall yatai -n yatai-components
helm uninstall yatai-csi-driver-image-populator -n yatai-components
helm list -n yatai-operators | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I{} helm -n yatai-operators uninstall {}

5. Install YataiΒΆ

Read this documentation to install Yatai: Installing Yatai


You need to skip the installation of MinIO and install a new PostgreSQL as described in the documentation above. After the PostgreSQL installation, you need to run the following command to restore the old data:

pkill kubectl
kubectl port-forward --namespace yatai-system svc/postgresql-ha-pgpool 5433:5432 &
sleep 6
PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl -n yatai-system get secret postgresql-ha-postgresql -o jsonpath='{.data.postgresql-password}' | base64 -d) pg_restore -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -d yatai /tmp/yatai.tar

6. Get Docker Registry Environment VariablesΒΆ


If you use the external docker registry, you need to skip this step.

export DOCKER_REGISTRY_IN_CLUSTER_SERVER=yatai-docker-registry.yatai-components.svc.cluster.local:5000

7. Install yatai-deploymentΒΆ

Read this documentation to install yatai-deployment: Installing yatai-deployment


You should skip the step of Docker Registry installation because it has already been done as a part of the migration.